Foothills Christian Church, the founding church of Youth Venture, is hosting a baptism service the weekend of August 22-23, 2020! This will be the first baptism service since the lock down over five months ago. If you are interested in taking this next step in every believer’s life, here are the details:

  • Our next baptism service is 7:00pm on Sunday, August 23 at our evening Sunday service.
  • Minors must have parents’ permission to be baptized.
  • You should show up 1 hour early, at 6:00pm, for a brief Baptism Class.
  • The Baptism Class will be in the Adult Classrooms area – follow the signs; they will be everywhere! At the class we will bring you up to speed on baptism, why it’s so important, answer questions, and tell you all about how we’re going to do it. It’s really simple.
  • Bring a towel and something modest to be baptized in (we suggest dark shorts and t-shirt).

Things you need to know in advance:

In light of the current corona-virus concerns, the baptismal water will be chlorinated. We will be practicing CDC guidelines: masks, social distancing, etc. however you can remove your mask while being baptized.

We practice full-immersion baptism. We have a baptismal at the front of the stage and each person is placed fully under the water. (We try to do it just as they did in the Bible.)

You are ready to be baptized if you have committed your life to Christ, are ready to obey Him in everything, and are ready to take your place as a member of His church. If there is serious compromise or unconfessed sin in your life, please let us help. Jesus is more than able to bring forgiveness and reconciliation. However, we cannot baptize anyone who is practicing a lifestyle of sin. Please, if you find yourself in this condition, let us help bring Christ’s wonderful freedom into your life. Call Pastor Jim Deyling or any of the staff pastors at Foothills. They’d love to help.

Finally, the baptism services at Foothills are a celebration! We baptize each one during the worship time at the beginning of service. Immediately after you are baptized, our ministry team would like to pray for you and bless you on this happy day. Your family and friends are encouraged to join them in prayer for you also.

If you have any questions before the baptism, please call or email Pastor Jim Deyling: 619-997-9606, jimdeyling@foothillschurch.org